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About Us

Me looking at mountain in NC.jpg

Hello, my name is Elijah and I founded Christian Erudition in 2022. I am a native Georgian and currently live in Atlanta, Georgia with my amazing wife and my two silly parakeets, Kiwi & Fresco.


I love learning, teaching, and being creative and am captivated by the gospel of Jesus Christ. I find in the gospel true peace and hope which can be found nowhere else. And while I am a person of faith, I am also a person with many questions. And while I find many subjects interesting, none have stirred or captivated me than those ideas surrounding the reality of God.


Thus, while the question, "Why does the earth spin on an axis?" is interesting, I am much more intrigued by the question: "Is there a Creator?" My vision for Christian Erudition is to create compelling content that is interesting, insightful and oftentimes fun with the intent of helping both Christians and non-Christians alike process and understand the Christian perspective on various questions. 


Thank you for being here, I look forward to connecting with you, God bless!

Values & Beliefs

Sola Scriptura

Image by Timothy Eberly

We are committed to a worldview that is harmonious with the teachings of Scripture. That is, the Holy Bible is and will remain the ultimate source of truth. With this being the case, we also acknowledge that we do not understand or apprehend all truth at all times.

Thus, we approach all questions and topics with an open and reasonable mind. This open mind is, nevertheless, always ultimately subject to the Word of God.


Image by Nathan Dumlao

In all dealings, we will seek to carry them out in love. 


Image by Jackson David

We are all fallible & weak. As such, we seek to live in a gracious way towards ourselves and one another.


Image by Gabriel Jimenez

We understand that we are not God, nor the arbiters of truth. We are mere mortals (and sinners at that) who are blessed to know and grow in our knowledge of Him who is from the beginning.

Commitment to Excellent Teaching

Image by Dan Dimmock

We hope to be a resource that takes seriously the importance of good teaching.  

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